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At the Annual Party Conference on Monday 10th Oct 2022, The UK Independence Party launched its new immigration policy proposal.
The Party believe that immigration is too big to be covered by the Home Office and will create a post of Secretary of State for Migration and Population. This cabinet minister would oversee the balance of immigration and births with emigration and deaths to maintain a stable population. Only when the population is stable can we look after our citizens as we should.
The Party will set an immigration ceiling to neutralise population growth, this immigration ceiling will include, true refugees escaping oppression or war.
We can only stem the flow of illegals if we change their expectation of how they will be treated when they arrive.
The UK Independence Party policy on illegal immigration has been formulated with this in mind.
We will invest more at the front end of the asylum procedure, to make sure that all the relevant information is collected and properly considered – to eliminate the need for constant appeals. The asylum adjudication process must not be prolonged, those who are found not to need protection will be returned home.
Processing claims for international protection must be speeded up and spurious asylum claims must be identified quickly. The UK Independence Party illegal immigration policy proposal will do just that.
We will relieve the existing border force of all responsibility for guarding the national borders. A newly formed border guard will take on this job and patrol the English Channel in 5 new in-shore vessels. The existing border force will continue in roles such as passport control at ports and airports, the detection of ‘over-stayers’ and administration within a secure migrant vessel or secure migrant camp.
We will have secure migrant vessels active in the channel for temporary housing of illegals arriving by rubber dinghies, any illegal immigrants discovered in backs of commercial vehicles or those picked up in the channel tunnel. Any migrants picked up in the English Channel by the RNLI will be taken to the secure migrant vessel and offloaded at sea.
Secure migrant vessels will be container ships incorporating a helicopter pad. The containers will be adapted as secure rooms, will be well insulated, ventilated, and with barred windows. These vessels will be subject to all rules applying to high security prisons, a necessary security measure.
Processing illegals onboard the container ship will include compulsory DNA testing, eye scanning, and finger printing. If a criminal is identified during the processing procedure, they will be deported immediately. Military planes will be on standby. Repatriation flights will start from a secure UK military airport.
Within 3 days of their registration the illegals will be moved from the secure migrant vessel by border guard to an appropriate secure migrant camp
Secure migrant camps would be in the countryside, built quickly like the nightingale hospitals and with perimeter fencing and controlled by border guard or the army.
The inmates will not be allowed to leave the camp and visit or mix with the settled population in nearby towns or villages.
These camps will be subject to all rules applying to high security prisons. We know we will be criticised, and our proposals called extreme, but the situation is out of control and calls for extreme measures.
We will build camps to cater for the different categories of migrants who will have been classified following the processing procedure.
The UK Independence Party will adopt a no-nonsense policy when dealing with illegal immigrants.
While in the holding camp, foreign-born children will need education; people of all ages
will get sick, may suffer depression and (as we will not allow them to work or enter the
UK community), detaining them for too long will risk them becoming a serious burden
on the State.
This is unacceptable to us; illegal immigrants will never have contributed to the UK economy, and we owe these individuals nothing.
Holding in a secure migrant camp will be limited to three months maximum.
The party will negotiate arrangements with any UN member states outside the UK that are willing to make adequate accommodation available to illegal immigrants and will accept individuals who we are unable to return to their own country for whatever reason.
We will deport illegal immigrants from temporary holding centres to one of these countries immediately after three months if we cannot return them to their own country for whatever reason.
As a first job the UK must withdraw from all the international instruments that make borders porous and immigration control impossible.
Please refer to our manifesto for further detail of our plan to deal with illegal immigration.
For more information and details on all our other policies, please visit UKIP Policies
Patricia Mountain
Party Director - UK Independence Party