Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)graph

  • Where can I find the "Home" button?

    As per many modern internet sites, in order to save screen space, the "Home" button is merged with the party logo. Please click on the yellow "Pound UKIP" icon in the top left hand corner.

  • Where can I find the "Menu" button?

    We originally had the menu along the top of the screen, but this rapidly became messy, splitting onto multiple lines. Now, we use the hamburger button (3 purple horizontal lines) in the top right-hand corner, so called because it looks like a "hamburger".

    To find our imprint guidance, for eample, the route is:


    -  --> Rules --> Appendix DD --> DD Imprint.



  • Why do I sometimes get an error when trying to join/renew?

    Sometimes, you may get a "500 - Internal Server Error". This is because our join and renew pages are hosted on a separate system.

    Please try again later, and if remains down after a day or so, drop the chairman a line by email

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