Vote for Values
Vote for Values

Vote for Values is a new ongoing campaign run by UKIP to help ensure our elected members of Parliament adhere to a short set of values of principles which we believe much of the UK electorate agree with.

MPs have been written to and asked if they agree with our six values listed below.

If they agree and will uphold these values, then we will be satisfied that they have the best interests for their constituency, its electorate, and the country. in mind.

If they fail to respond or do not agree to support the values, we will instigate the following actions:

  • Stand a UKIP candidate against them to erode any majority they may have based on their failure to uphold our values.
  • Support a credible candidate from any other party who has a good chance of unseating them or will again, erode any majority.

Our values are:

  1. The complete rejection of Far-Left Extremism, Communism and Marxism in all its forms, aking with Cultural Vandalism in our institutions and taxpayer funded positions.

  2. The complete endorsement of de-politicising of the Civil Service, Police and Establishment and scrapping all Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) agendas.

  3. A five-year freeze on all immigration except for skills (if) required by the UK whilst we get our immigration system under control. The mass deportation of immigrants already in the UK illegally and the deployment of the UK’s Armed Services to protect our borders.

  4. The rejection and condemnation of Islamism, Far-Left Totalitarian Propaganda, Proscribed Terrorist Organisations and their supporters, and the endorsement of enforcing existing UK Treason Laws.

  5. The complete rejection of Wokeness, Trans-Ideology and to stop the persistent attack of the Family Unit and consistent attacks on heteronormativity.

  6. Full support of the UK’s independence from Foreign Courts and Globalist Organisations.

When were the current MPs written to regarding this campaign?

All current MPs were written to using their official office details on 01/03/25.

Who has responded to date?

No current MPs have agreed to our “Vote for Values” campaign to date.

The next General Election

All candidates who stand in the next General Election will also be asked if they agree to the campaign and their response will be advertised here.

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