Appendix DD / Promoting Your Website
You need to examine who your target audience is to understand how to effectively use these promotion techniques. Are you aiming at the press? Local electors? Your constituents who voted you in? People who want to know what you've done, or where to find ranch meetings/fellow 'Kippers?
or word of mouth is the most powerful way to quickly result in large amounts of visitors. This is where a visitor to your site is sufficiently impressed to tell other people about the website.
Search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo or MSN will be another major source of visitors discovering your website. Don't bother with search engine optimisation unless you know what you are doing. Concentrate on making your website informative.
However, make sure that you have filled in the following relevant tags and meta sections:
Cross-references from other sites such as and other branch websites will be a source of significant visitors, people who are much more likely to be interested in the site content.
Online directories are useful to get quality links to your site.
Direct visitors are visitors who have been given the URL on paper, for example in your local newsletter. An effective way to get people to visit the site. Remember to include it on all you election and marketing literature!
Send the web team an email, and we'll help get you get the relevant UKIP listing entries, starting with