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In 2016, we were lambasted for running the “Breaking Point” poster. Well look the UK now.
Last month, 3,683 Illegal Migrants made the dangerous journey by small boat across the English Channel from France. So far this year 17,000.00 have made the same journey. The Home Office now also admit that we could see anything up to 60,000.00 Illegal Migrants arrive by small boat this year. These numbers are based on the ones which we know of and shakey government record keeping.
We are no longer at Breaking Point; we have surpassed Broken Point!
An army of predominately young Middle Eastern men invade our country on a daily basis armed with absolutely nothing, yet given laptops, phones, money, and hotel accommodation at the direct expense of you – the taxpayer, with local charities falling over themselves to support them with the delivery of things such as Halal meat. All whilst families struggle to feed themselves and cover the basic cost of living, these people, who buck the official immigration process of the country just take. These people are not migrants fleeing war-torn countries, they are economic migrants who have passed through many safe countries to get here for one key reason. The UK Benefit System.
The very fabric of our society is no longer under threat, its being eroded for a culture that doesn’t assimilate, it conquers. A medieval way of life, which is unbelievably being enabled by champagne socialists and woke warriors desperate to gain some perverse moral high ground. And lets not forget the lives of young white girls, destroyed before they have even started as a direct result.
This simply can not continue, yet there is zero political will to end it from the established Westminster political parties who care more about nonsensical leadership campaigns, returning us to the greasy grip of the EU or dodging questions on whether it’s possible that only women have a cervix, a simple fact of science.
Our political class are destroying this once great United Kingdom. Their quest of political self-harm must be ended.
It doesn’t matter if you vote for the least bad option or the party you think will keep out the one you fear the most. Our political system is broken. Start voting for what you want, only then will things begin to change.