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The other day I visited my parents. Upon leaving, I struggled to make a right turn, because the take-away delivery drivers park right on the corner. I asked the driver to shift his car explaining that nobody could can see oncoming tragic. He didn’t speak English well enough to comprehend what I was saying. He made a threatening gesture. I thought best to leave it. This has been brought to the attention of the council and the police but nothing is ever done about it.
This is one of the many subtle ways that immigration erodes quality of life, and in the main, predominantly affects working class communities. It’s what causes “white flight” which is why we’re gradually seeing our cities becoming ethnic enclaves. I’ve seen this happening over the last twenty years or so, where friends have basically had enough. One friend couldn’t even walk the dog without being spat at by Pakistani youths and had to pack tracksuit bottoms to go out clubbing so she could get home unmolested.
In both instances, as average house prices were skyrocketing, both of my friends made a loss on their investments. Whatever you might asset about the economic benefits of immigration, it’s the working classes who pay the most while the affluent middle classes get the benefits.
You can argue that this is as much a consequence of local council and police inaction, and if they acted it would be far less of an issue, but in the predominantly Muslim areas, the writ of law barely runs and locals daren’t complain in case of repercussions. The one time I did involve the police after an assault, the assailant appealed and got off with a warning. He and his gang then set about a campaign of terror forcing me to leave my flat. This is how the Pakistanis end up colonising entire areas, buying up properties for cash at rock bottom prices.
It’s no secret that I’m not a fan of the “Pakistani community”. My views are shaped by my experiences. We’ve imported an alien culture that doesn’t integrate. Pakistan itself is a vile backwards country and we are not enriched by bringing in more of them. As to the dinghy migrants, we’re laying the foundation for more inter-ethnic rivalry between Afghans and Pakistanis, and it’s going to get violent, and the police won’t be able to patrol without armoured landrovers. Britain is going to get more dangerous for women, Jews and gays.
This is what the embedded left wing establishment doesn’t want to acknowledge. As far as they’re concerned, immigration means their academic and professional colleagues. Cup cakes and rainbows. According to York Central MP, Rachael Maskell, the influx of migrants should be limitless.
She says it doesn’t matter if it means larger class sizes and longer NHS waiting lists. She says it doesn’t matter if things are “slightly more challenging”. She doesn’t care if the working class bears the brunt. She doesn’t care if our cities turn into lawless shit tips. There’s no imminent danger of that happening to York. Being from Winchester, raised in the whitest, wealthiest part of the country, she has no idea what she’s inflicting on the rest of us. Nor have her dim-witted supporters given it any thought by the looks. Maskell favours a “homes for refugees scheme” but not one of the open borders brigade is willing to give houseroom to a refugee.
The modern left exists in a completely detatched bubble. I keep asking what the befit of mass immigration is but I never get a coherent or honest answer. What did it continue that make it worth the Islamic terrorism, the grooming gangs, the machete weilding psychopaths, the daily stabbings and the de-facto blasphemy laws? Who exactly has been enriched by it? Because it certainly wasn’t my friends in Bradford who invested in their homes. It certainly wasn’t teenage girls in Rotherham. It wasn’t the rural working classes who’ve been priced out of their villages. As to the effect of poaching doctors, nurses, vets and skilled labourers from the third world, it has only served to keep Africa down – causing more displacement of people.
The long term effect is far more corrosive. When there is a massive cultural and political gulf between city and county, there is no possibility of national consensus, and one half is always subdued by the other. Meanwhile, politicians who won’t face reality increasingly represent nobody but their own little confirmation bubbles. A feral elite imposes its own brand of tyranny. Mass immigration is a threat to what’s left of our liberal democracy.
The politicians don’t care what’s happening, while the police and local media attempt to suppress what’s happening in fear of a “far right backlash”, but as with everything else, won’t actually do anything. They keep us in the dark and feed us shit, while acute problems continue to fester and they keep pouring more petrol on the bonfire.