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I’ve been asked to speak at a protest in York in July which looks to be more of a generic protest about immigration. I’ve seen the promo artwork which features lions and Unions Jacks which is a bit cringey for my tastes and suggests the demo will be attended by those we can fairly describe as far right – or getting on that way.
But I’m going to do it anyway. Why? Because I don’t care, and because they’re going to call me far right anyway, and in the local context, that just means anyone not conforming to the sanitised line that the Linton asylum facility is just inappropriate for the village and the migrants themselves. The local NIMBYs have a distaste for grubby working class views about immigration, because they’re not couched in mealy-mouthed obfuscation (and the graphic design is in poor taste).
I also get the sense that Linton’s NIMBY curtain twitchers basically hate anyone poorer than them, unless they’re an exotic migrant they can use to parade their right-on credentials. If anyone wants to call me far right then so be it but I’m not an ethno-nationalist, nor an antisemite, nor am I a holocaust denier and the only conspiracy theories I’ve ever subscribed to have turned out to be more or less true. I’m not even anti-immigration or asylum provided its proportionate, fair and controlled.
I have never been a member of a far right organisation or party and if I joined one they’d throw me out for being too left wing.
The question we need to ask is why so many people are drifting to the far right. And I can tell you why. The establishment and its media stooges do all they can to sweep the negative consequences of uncontrolled migration under the carpet and smears anyone who does speak out. To speak out about the festering Islamism in our cities, or the grooming of young girls, or the “cultural enrichment” that sees Muslim women set on fire or beaten, is career suicide for any writer or pundit.
As to the invasion of dinghies at Dover, it’s the majority view that this is a massive pisstake, and the government is unwilling to take any radical measures to address it. They fiddle around the edges and mop up the symptoms, while the local press and police do all they can to stifle news about serious sexual assaults in fear of a “far right backlash”. They think people talking about it is more of a danger than the people actually doing it.
As a long time blogger and “citizen journalist” I’ve always considered it an obligation to speak about that which politicians would rather ignore. They want to talk about partygate. I want to talk about the lawlessness on our streets that has seen machete attacks become almost normalised. Somali gang rapists and machete gangs have turned London into Mogadishu on Thames. We’re still told by Sadiq Khan, with a straight face, that diversity makes us stronger. Tell that to the families of the victims of the Manchester bombing. Tell that to Rochdale and Rotherham. Meanwhile, even here in York we have “diversity barriers”, a ring of steel erected around our Christmas markets, and now even Leeds has armed police patrols.
I’m not a blood and soil nationalist, but we did inherit a great country, where people could be free to live out their lives in peace, but the more savages we import, the less safe women, Jews and gays are even to walk the streets. The utopia liberals dream of is dying because of mass uncontrolled immigration. We are squandering and destroying our inheritance. One we have a moral obligation to defend.
Moreover, we have every right to be angry. This government was elected to get a grip on immigration but every single promise has been broken. We’re not deporting those with no right to be here, long term visas are up 40% since Brexit, the NGOcracy is calling the shots, and any chancer with the right money to pay smugglers can subvert our asylum system. If the mainstream parties won’t entertain immigration control, the far right parties are in waiting. The antidote to far right movements is effective immigration control but our politicians are too gutless to confront the radical left. They’re making it worse by the day.
I have nothing much to lose by speaking out and will continue to do so. We have more to lose by remaining silent. On that basis, I will speak, anytime, anywhere, to anyone who will listen. Smearing and censorship will only strengthen my resolve.