Thank you for considering applying in the 2025 Leadership election!
The process is very straightforward, all-electronic (saving paper), and COVID friendly (no ink signatures needed).
Before going further, please note that:
To get started, you will need to fill out the form below, and pay the candidacy fee.
Once the form is submitted, you will be contacted by:
As per O.3 of the rules, I declare that the agreed deadlines (BST) are:
Date (BST) | Event |
5pm, Monday 26th January | Deadline for receipt of valid nominations. (See countdown, above). |
Monday 27th January | Vetting starts. |
Saturday 1st February | Issue of postal ballots , or electronic voting instructions. |
Sunday 2nd February | Vetting closes. |
Tuesday 11th February | Hustings 1 - details TBA. |
Tueday 18th February | Hustings 2 - details TBA. |
2pm, Monday 3rd March | Deadline for receipt of ballots. |
Thursday 6th March | Count and announcement of result on UKIP.ORG. |
Lastly, please read through the form, including all the mandatory opt-in statements very carefully before paying your fee, and, if you have any queries or just want an informal chat, please feel free to reach-out to me here. Fields marked * are mandatory, and if you don't get a confirmation after trying to submit, look for a box with a red border around it.
*** NB: Very Important: only applications submitted through the below form will be accepted! ***
Good luck, & have fun!
Ben Walker,
NEC Chairman and Returning Officer, January 2025
Leadership Candidacy Fee: £3000