News & Social Media / Post
Following the horrific murder of Sir David Amess whilst he was simply carrying out his duties as a Member of Parliament during a constituency surgery, UKIP felt it had little choice but to field a candidate in this parliamentary by-election. The reason couldn’t be clearer. Ali Harbi Ali stabbed David to death in a church. He was arrested by armed Police and charged with murder which had terrorist and religious ideological motivations. The majority of other political parties have decided not to stand and they will tell you its out of respect. The harsh reality is that they have little interest in combating home-grown religious motivated terror in this country, just like they have no wish to end illegal immigration. They are ALL complicit, even the new Tory-Lite alternatives, who by design only exist to keep UKIP suppressed by fracturing our side of the political spectrum and splitting the vote.
The ever creeping state continues to spread its tentacles further and further into our lives, delivering coercive control in abundance whilst eroding our personal freedoms and liberty on a daily basis.
Politics in this country needs a wake-up call! Whilst cancel culture reigns supreme and people live in fear of saying something which will offend the flavour of the week minority group, UKIP must continue to fight for common sense, the beliefs of the silent majority and against the daily invasion of illegal immigrants at our borders.
UKIP are proud to announce Steve Laws – Citizen Journalist as a party member and candidate for this coming by-election.
Steve says:
“I am honoured to be representing UKIP in this election. They are the only political party willing to tackle the difficult issues and say what’s now deemed as the politically unsayable in the UK today; the truth.
No one else has the courage to speak-up or offer up the solutions required to set straight our country, not even the newbie, ego-trip excuses for parties who really only want your money. We live in a country which is purposely being sabotaged from within and I’m standing to shine a light on the cesspit which is Westminster. I urge all my followers and supporters to join UKIP and become the change the UK so desperately needs”.
When was the last time you were asked about immigration? Asked about illegal immigration? UKIP is calling for a referendum on exactly that, immigration. We ask that readers visit our website, sign our petitions, join us and begin the fight back.
There is only one choice in Southend West and that’s Steve Laws for UKIP.
All enquiries, please email