For Broxbourne

UKIP delivers it’s aims. In our best years in the early 2000’s we aimed to leave the EU, and we won the Referendum, an enormous achievement.

But the Conservative government failed to implement the legislation to restore full Sovereignty of our Westminster Parliament.

So now ukip is back to restore our Parliamentary Sovereignty, so that we make our own Laws that govern us, and give us our freedom to trade and co-operate with the rest of the World, for our mutual benefit.

I am a specialist motor and aircraft engineer. Over the years I have trained many young apprentices, and as your M.P.

I will concentrate on our children’s education, and progression to meaningful jobs, and responsibility in our Christian community. I will campaign for a much improved school syllabus, and a big increase in sports activities, University for highly intelligent students and appropriate skills training at Technical Colleges.

Basic military training would be available for school leavers, and a massive recruitment drive would be undertaken to build up our seriously depleted armed forces. Our armed forces to be used primarily for the defence of our Nation.

Farmers are for food production and we must again become self sufficient, and take full control of our fishing.

We are a geographically small Island, and a major contributor to the military security of the World, but we are already exceeding the capacity of our infrastructure, so we must temporarily stop any further immigration, and retrain surplus government employees for any job shortages. 


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