My name is Neil Wilson aged 61.
Born & bred in Motherwell Lanarkshire, I am married to Josephine for 30 years and have 3 boys, and all are living and working in Lanarkshire.
I joined HM Forces when I was 17 and served 9 years in the Army, then went into the Transport Business and have been in transport for the past 37 years now, starting as a driver and now work as a Contract Manager in a company based in Glasgow.
The reason I joined the United Kingdom Independence Party 2 years ago was because I seen that this is a party & the only party that is telling the working people how it is: no lies, no Broken promises, a party that truly believes in Britain to make Britain great again, a "Peoples Army" in the true sense of bringing common sense polices to benefit the people and not to line the pockets of the rich.
Now is the time for change. Now is the time for the people to have their say, now is the time for UKIP to shine and now is the time for the people to take control of Britain's future for our future.