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A year ago today, If I asked you ‘Who is Andrew Tate’ – you’d most likely have no clue who I’m talking about. But in 2022, Tate has evolved into a household name.
So why has Andrew Tate got so much of a following? The most obvious answer is click bait. Tate has a very smart way of gaining support – using short and sharp videos to invite his audience. These videos, no more than 10 seconds in length, are used to quickly give his opinion on a certain topic. Hundreds of these videos have been made and used effectively by Tate. He knows that social media users, especially the younger audience, have a small attention span when it comes to videos online. Gone are the days when a two-minute video would be watched from beginning to end. This strategy may seem lazy, but as you can see with Tate – it is very effective.
Tate also uses his biggest weapon to attract attention – his money. You can guarantee Tate is never seen without his signature Rolex, his expensive RayBan sunglasses, one of his many Bugatti’s. The envy of wealth is a tool used by so many to gain notoriety. Any man can be ignored, but a man on a million dollar yacht in the Panama sun now has our attention.
The kickboxer and ex-Big Brother star has gained a lot of traction with his comments and opinions. His outspoken attitude and ‘survival of the fittest’ mentality has been viewed millions of times on social media, with a primary following of young men. Tate insists his aim is to put masculinity back into modern men – however, is there more than meets the eye when it comes to Tate’s agenda?
The 36-year-old social media phenomenon based most of his videos on the problems men face within modern society, as well as debates around religion, politics and even chess. Tate has also stated that we live in a two-tier society, with our thoughts and actions controlled by ‘a matrix’. He says the only way to really be free is to exit that ‘matrix’, and fight against it.
In August of 2022, Andrew Tate was targeted by a number of social media platforms, with the likes of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube banning his account and censoring his content. Despite their efforts, Tate continued to film his videos and persevered against the attempted cancel culture against him.
More recently, Tate boasted about owning 33 cars (and their emissions) and directed the boast toward Greta Thunberg – the next day, Tate was arrested and taken into custody regarding an accusation made claiming he was heavily involved in human trafficking and organised crime. This is either a coincidence or a statement made by the globalist elite. Maybe a warning, attack Greta and face the consequences?
Let’s take a look at the bigger picture here. Andrew Tate is a popular figure, with a large following and strong opinions. Then, cancelled and persecuted by law enforcement.
Starting to sound familiar?
Donald Trump, former president of the USA, is a popular figure with a large following and strong opinions. Then, cancelled and persecuted by law enforcement.
UK Independence Party Member, Katie Hopkins is a popular figure with a large following and strong opinions. Then, cancelled and persecuted by law enforcement.
The pattern is as clear as day – if you question the establishment, you will be punished.
Operation Fear is in full effect.
Andrew Tate is a man of many words but be it you agree with his words or disagree – you have to admit that he has every right to say them, without fear of being cancelled, arrested or worse.
Jack Thomson
Spokesman for Young People
Anything Goes With James English - (~7:21) License shown in archived video. Archived 2022-07-30 at the Wayback Machine