Britain's drift into anarchy

Pete North • 8 May 2022

The Tories preside over the cultural Balkanisation of Britain

The never-over-it remainers of Twitter would have it that Brexit is causing the breakup of the UK. Whatever is going on, be it the fallout of Covid or the energy crisis or the war in Ukraine, there will always be a shrill cohort ever ready to blame it all on Brexit. But they are right about one thing. The UK as we know it is disintegrating.

Scotland’s divergence was all but guaranteed the moment we set up a Scottish parliament. We created parallel political bubbles to Westminster in Cardiff and Edinburgh, allowing rent seeking parasites to set up their own respective dunghills – and have soiled their own nests ever since. You could even be forgiven for thinking that the SNPs strategy is to make Scottish politics so repellent that England would be glad to see the back of Scotland.

As to Northern Ireland, Boris Johnson’s Brexit protocol certainly hasn’t improved matters but really it’s only pushed an already fragile political settlement over the edge, The “peace process” running out of steam is part of the overall disaffection and stagnation that caused Brexit. We’re seeing the atomisation of politics throughout the UK.

What the remainers haven’t noticed, though, is that the cultural balkanisation of the UK is not limited to the Celtic provinces. England itself is no longer a coherent, contiguous culture. Brexit exposed the massive gulf between London and the rest of the country, but there is further fragmentation between county and conurb as cities become ethnic minority ghettos.

In this we no longer have parties that reflect the politics of the nation. There is no national consensus. The Labour Party is a London party supported by various ethnic tribes who have nothing in common with English culture, thus have more in common with metropolitan London élites. It says everything that in the local elections Labour managed to lose Hull but gained Mayfair.

Britain’s open borders are only going to increase the number of areas in which there are single group minority majorities leaving millions without meaningful representation. While middle class liberals fret about the breakup of the UK, (something which, in effect, has already happened), they cheer on the destruction of England.

This is why the the Tories managed to sweep the boards at the last general election but now we’re starting to see that the Tories don’t have the stones to fight for the people they notionally represent. Tory policy is to import millions of people from all over the world while building no new housing or infrastructure, while destroying our ability to generate electricity.

It comes as no surprised that the Tories don’t have the energy or the ideas to turn things around because they are an establishment party and they were never going to do much with Brexit because they never really wanted it to begin with. It was just something they hijacked to preserved their own incumbency. You might hope, though, that they would at least stop making things worse – but they can’t even manage that. That makes them no better than Labour. If the choice is between Labour and Tories then its really just a referendum on the pace of our self-annihilation.

When it comes down to it, the relationship between Scotland, England and Wales waxes and wanes over time, but there is still a shared cultural experience, so the Union can be repaired, but not if England is abandoned to become a multicultural zoo without an overarching and binding sense of national values and purpose.

We could could perhaps better withstand the rapid influx of people were it that we encouraged integration into our own culture but but the custodians of our culture seem to actively despise it and wish to dismantle it. Everywhere we look, the busybodies in academia and quangocracy are busy rewriting and editing our history. Our ruling class is ashamed to be British and has more sympathies with Scottish and Irish separatists, even if that means rubbing shoulders with Sinn Fein and the SNP.

Our universities now churn out braindead automatons – fresh meat for the public sector and the quangocracy, trained to vomit out American inspired woke HR managerialism on cue and be handsomely rewarded for it. The taxes we pay are financing our own cultural deletion. There’ll be nothing left for sincere immigrants to integrate into.

It is now unlikely that anything can arrest the decline. The Tories may be dimly aware of the problems but have no sense of urgency. When it comes down to it, establishment Tories feel uncomfortable doing anything about it because it would put them out of step with their London socialite “citizen of nowhere” friends. To them, British culture is drab, hokey and provincial and not worth preserving. Something to be subordinated to “vibrant” multiculturalism (ie. machete attacks and child rape gangs). It’s all fine so long as there’s diversity high street takeaways in Islington.

Depressingly there is no mobilisation against this. The “revolt on the right” is dead. Reform and Reclaim speak to a tiny “very online” community centred around radio talk show hosts and GB News, and Boris Johnson still enjoys more support than he deserves because his supporters fear the alternatives. UKIP couldn’t muster more than a handful of candidates for the locals, and struggles to overcome its image problem. The independent blogosphere is dead.

Meanwhile, middle England has chosen to stick its head in the sand and debates virtually anything but contentious and urgent issues. They don’t see because they don’t want to see. There is no appetite for disagreements and confrontations. They’ve had their fill and just want a quiet life. But then as I keep saying, we can’t run away from these problems. There is no quiet life to be had if we keep surrendering to apathy. The consequences will visit us all soon enough. There is no hiding place.

The British establishment always saw Britain’s role as “leading in Europe” but now the voters have robbed them of that, they’ve degenerated to “climate leadership” and quasi-socialist Net Zeroism because it has no idea what else to do. Fighting the weather is to be our shared national endeavour. They have no idea how to unite the country or how to restore its sense of national purpose. They can’t revive a country they don’t relate to, and their sole metric of their own performance is GDP. We are ruled by soulless ghouls.

Our moribund and creaking democracy no longer meets people’s needs. As the national fabric erodes we become a low trust society where nowhere is safe. Yesterday Priti Patel boasted on Twitter that she visited Worksop “to see how our Safer Streets funding from the Home Office is making visible improvements in the town, including new CCTV Refuge Points, so that local people – particularly women and girls – can feel safer out in their neighbourhood”. That’s her solution to the dinghy migrant crisis. We are to become a surveilled and gated society. Yet they still tell us that immigration makes us an “open society”. Whatever that means.

When you have a largely voiceless society with no means to hold politicians meaningfully to account, and local politics dominated by corrupt ethnic minority fiefdoms, rampant crime and a growing sense of displacement, government by technocratic elites who hate their fellow countrymen, the centre cannot hold. The civic contract evaporates. Disorder and mistrust takes its place. The rule of law breaks down, along with the notion of equality under the law. We then see inter-ethnic rivalry, tribalism and third world levels of political corruption. We’re halfway there already.

The remainer preoccupation with the state of the Union is really crocodile tears. They’d be happy to see the UK break up just to punish those who voted for Brexit, But the real threat to the integrity of the UK is a band of feckless and cowardly Tories who preside over a fragmenting England, having abandoned our cities and used poorer towns as social dumping grounds. The north is diverging from the south, and the gulf between the haves and have-nots grows ever wider. Working class Brits are becoming the new underclass, shunned even by the state broadcaster. Not even permitted to see their own culture represented on our screens.

I have always shunned ethno-nationalism because that particular rabbit hole leads to a hateful destination, but that is the inevitable consequence when a people feels under siege by its own government and institutions, where not even the education system can be trusted. Such disaffection may not manifest anywhere in the polls but it’s there and it’s growing. In the near future, when heating and food are out of reach, savings collapse and people face an uncertain future with no assets or pensions, you’ll have an electorate with nothing left to lose. That’s when things get dangerous.

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