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Police have been accused of failing the victims of grooming gangs after an investigation found that the force at the centre of the Rotherham scandal was still not recording the ethnicities of suspected child abusers. A secret intelligence report showed that South Yorkshire police were disregarding basic details of child sex offenders nearly a decade after The Times revealed widespread abuse in the town, largely by men of Pakistani heritage.
In the 12 months to December 2019, officers in all four South Yorkshire police districts routinely failed to log the ethnicity of those suspected of sexually abusing minors. The highest failure rate was in the Rotherham district, where the ethnicity of 67 per cent of suspects went unrecorded.
There’s a reason for this. It’s wholly deliberate. The powers that be don’t want it recorded because they don’t want the facts acknowledged or debated. Nothing must be allowed to disturb the “diversity makes us stronger” narrative.
But then we might venture that it wouldn’t particularly matter if the police were doing their jobs. It’s not going to inform immigration or social policy. Progressive think tanks will do all they can to obfuscate and deny – and when it comes down to it, our political class simply doesn’t care. It doesn’t affect them. Ultimately this is a problem that largely affects northern working class areas, which in their eyes couldn’t matter less. The victims are at the bottom of the food chain.
In the last decade nothing has changed - and likely nothing will change for as long as voters keep turning out for the establishment parties. At its heart, the Labour party wants open borders and the Tories pay only lip service to controlling immigration. They know what needs to be done but they’re just not willing to do it.
Throughout the establishment there is a culture of defensiveness and denial. The police dodge scrutiny and accountability and the politicians aren’t interested. They’ll do the bare minimum to maintain public order, but for as long as police and social services bosses are pickled in politically correct dogma they will continue to write off public concern as racism.
What we’re actually dealing with is deep rooted cultural misogyny from within the “Pakistani community” which is hardly surprising being that rape culture is the prevailing culture in Pakistani politics. This goes hand in hand with its own racism. The victims of child rape are selected on the basis of their colour. They are predominantly white women and are treated worse than animals because of it.
As much as there is no real reason to expect matters will improve, one rather suspects the never-ending invasion of dinghies will make matters worse. But all we’ll get from our MPs is yet more asinine virtue signalling. Young children were being harassed and filmed by dinghy migrants for months in Wigan. Instead of deporting them the Tories ignored it and now a poor woman has been savagely raped.
For as long as Britain has a de-facto open border to the backward armpits of the world, British streets will become increasingly dangerous for women, girls, Jews and gays. For as long as policymakers are running scared of the far left who insist that any criticism of any culture or faith is racism, then abusers are able to act with impunity. For as long as Labour cares more about the welfare of illegal immigrants and the Tories care more about their donors than the plight of the working class, vulnerable girls will be thrown to the wolves.
The saddest part of all is that these girls are collateral damage in deeply cynical games. Labour’s self-declared anti-racists don’t care about racism. If they did they would recognise the urgency of fixing this issue being that the current state of moral cowardice is certain to perpetuate and exacerbate racism. Instead they trot out accusations of “Islamophobia” to curry favour with Pakistani voting blocs. The vile behaviour we’ve seen in Batley over the last year demands outright condemnation, but Labour maintains its hypocritical silence.
Ultimately Labour cannot be trusted to stand up for women, not least because they struggle to even define one. Keir Starmer says “it’s wrong to say that only women have a cervix”. He knows that isn’t true. We know it isn’t true. The whole of the Labour front bench knows it isn’t true – but still they pander to the most unhinged and absurd doctrines of political correctness. Our entire political class is living on a different planet thus are intellectually (and morally) incapable of bringing remedy to any of the pressing issues we face now or in the future. Only UKIP is willing to call it out for what it is.