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I’ve been quite surprised by my own emerging views on Ukraine. I’m closer to Jeremy Corbyn, George Galloway and Spiked than I have ever been comfortable with. But sometimes you just have to follow your own nose. I’m sure it’s only temporary. Throughout my life I have usually regarded myself as right wing, largely in opposition to pretty much everything that comes out of the modern left.
In this I’m subject to considerable censorship. I’m not shy about voicing my views that our borders should be enforced, illegals should be deported, and the fact that Pakistan is a backwards, racist, corrupt genocidal terror state should inform our immigration preferences. I don’t think I qualify as far right because I’m not an ethno-nationalist, nor do I subscribe to any supremacist ideologies. Growing up in West Yorkshire, it’s rather difficult to view my own stock as as the master race.
I can see why some would gravitate towards ethno-nationalism being that identity politics racialises every issue and minority groups claim preference and favour on account of skin colour and ethnicity alone, then it follows that everyone will want in on the act. Thus I view the left’s distorted notion of racial justice to be divisive and counter productive.
When it comes to immigration, I do feel that the rate of influx is unsustainable and public services and housing cannot keep pace, nor can our already strained transport infrastructure. Managing immigration is just intelligent statecraft. There must be an immigration criteria, we do need rules and for those rules to be properly and fairly enforced. Asylum must not be abused by immigration cheats. In terms of skills and employment, it is not fair to replace British workers with cheap exploitable foreign labour.
On LGBT matters, I’m largely indifferent as to who people choose to sleep with or marry, but sexual fetishes should be kept away from children. Children should not be exposed to the warped gender bending theology of the modern left. Children should not be used as political propaganda weapons.
When it comes to crime and justice, there does need to be a recognition of ethnicity of perpetrators. You cannot solve a problem if you can’t adequately diagnose it – and yes, the state must discriminate in the interest of public safety.
As far as Twitter and Facebook is concerned, this does make me “far right”, but the term has been abused to the point of meaninglessness. My views are fairly pedestrian and shared by most moderate adults, but the game is to coerce people into silence and self censorship. If you want to know what a real far right looks like, you could do no worse than to investigate the far right movements in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.
My position is also informed by who my political enemies are. I view most MPs and mainstream journalists with more or less the same level of contempt. We have never been more poorly served by our politics and media. The latest intake of MPs are among the stupidest creatures ever to set foot in parliament, while the lobby hacks are lazy, excitable and obsessed with trivia. They are incapable of informing us.
One tier behind them is a vast blob of civil service organisations, think tanks, philanthropic foundations, bogus charities and state funded QUANGOs, who all belong to the same groupthink, who think of the poorest more as pets or livestock, and the rest of us mere subjects to be coerced, nudged and bullied into being more like them.
These are the people who are in lockstep on matters ranging from Brexit through to climate change and immigration. they have the power and they abuse it. Their contempt for democracy is absolute. Their chief complaint about the Brexit vote was that any of us got a say at all.
In that regard, I find myself unable to support their warmongering over Ukraine, because these people are a greater threat to my wealth, heath and future prosperity than the likes of Putin. This liberal cosmopolitan ruling class, pig ignorant, selfish and trivial, do not represent me, do not act in my interests, and probably loathe my country as much as our enemies do.
In the traditional sense, then, the right is the new left in its opposition to an unaccountable self-serving and feral ruling class. There was a time with the Labour party would object to British workers being replaced by cheap foreign labour, but now it’s their ambition to restore freedom of movement as soon as possible, largely because it provides the liberal middle class with all the perks and convenience they’ve become accustomed to. They would readily give amnesty to immigration cheats for those purposes if they could.
Our ruling class has been so deeply marinated in globalist dogma for so long, they are no longer capable of calculating the national interest. They even view acting in the national interest as somehow grubby, unless somehow the national interest coincides with their own prejudices.
The establishment has done pretty much all it can to disenfranchise and marginalise us. We still have the empty rituals of elections but they don’t mean anything. Whoever wins, the agenda is the same. The Tories have done next to nothing with their eighty seat majority to undo Blair’s revolution, and none of the disturbing trends ripping at the fabric of our society have been reversed. There just isn’t sufficient political will to take on the blob, largely because the Tory party itself is part of it.
During their reign, they’ve presided over a huge decline, pissing away our wealth and power on wars of choice, debased the arms of the state, politicised the police and education, and taught successive generations to hate themselves for being white and British – to the point of selectively editing and dismantling our own history and allowing a slow motion replacement. They dare not stand up or speak for what’s theirs.
This same group of “adults in the room” have delivered a massive decline in living standards, undermined our energy security, dismantled anything approaching local democracy, and handed our geopolitical leverage to China. Their fashionable virtue signalling political agendas have left Britain weak and broken. They handed our sovereignty over to the EU, WTO and UN, and left our own democracy a hollowed out shell. We’ve had only one meaningful vote in the last forty years, and they tried their very best to reverse it, but having failed, learned nothing from it, and now the ruling class is back to business as usual, subverting democracy and imposing their agendas on us without consultation or consent.
Meanwhile the Labour party is a dinosaur. It is instructive that they regard Tories as “scum” because they still harbour the infantile notion that greedy Tory capitalists in pinstripe suits are the ones waging the war on the workers. It certainly is the case that corporate parasites are bleeding us dry and crushing our freedoms, but they are all absolutely on board with the green agenda, LGBT wokery and supposedly liberal ideology. The greedy Tories in pinstripe suits don’t work for big oil. They work for big green, because carbon trading and green subsidies is where the big money is at these days.
But I do understand the “scum” sentiment. I know who my enemies are – and who the establishment is, and they are scum. Them and their mouthpieces in the BBC. The same people who would readily put violent sex offenders into women’s prisons. The same people who think grown men exposing their sexual fetishes to children is “stunning and brave”. The same people would would let the poor go hungry and cold over middle class anxieties about the weather, despite not a single headline climate prediction coming true. The same people who flood our streets with machete weilding psychopaths and say we’re being strengthened by diversity.
In this, they have us all nicely boxed in, having rendered our votes meaningless. In conjunction with big tech, these views are only allowed to be aired on license, but if your voice is heard above a certain threshold, your accounts will be suspended. That’s where it started but it culminates in a social credit system where jobs and banking privileges are only afforded to those with the correct political views.
Like it or not we are at war with our rulers. A silent war they started – and they won’t be satisfied until they’ve eliminated all of our basic freedoms. Covid lockdowns were just the dress rehearsal. They’re coming for your car, your home, and your assets. If they don't have a pretext they will invent one, but the days of private individual wealth are coming to an end and we’re entering a new age of technocratic globo-homo-eco communism. As such I am not minded to support the West’s economic war on Putin, not least since we’re ultimately sanctioning ourselves, and we should not allow the establishment to blame Putin for the consequences of their decades long arrogance and ineptitude.