Government is entrusted with specific responsibilities towards the nation, one of the most crucial being to ensure, wherever possible, the safety of its citizens. While efforts to curb the spread of the Coronavirus have generally been well-intentioned, it would seem that these efforts are being critically undercut by an adherence to a discredited open-borders ideology.
National borders serve purposes beyond identifying who must pay taxes to the ever-expanding government. They should fulfil the following tasks:
Allowing authorities to determine precisely who is entering and leaving the country;
Allowing authorities to stop undesirables and those who pose a threat to public safety from entering or, in the cases of wanted criminals, leaving;
Allowing us all to adequately understand how many people are living in the country;
And during this present crisis:
Prevent the introduction of new COVID-19 cases.
Since the beginning of the lockdown, reports suggest that hundreds of would-be immigrants per day are being apprehended attempting to enter the country illegally. To date, it appears that these new arrivals are still among us. But what is this in a population of millions?
This figure represents only those who have been apprehended by authorities; it does not include those who arrive on a secluded beach and disappear into cities and towns across the country.
Thus, it's time to ask serious questions.
We are well aware that many of the camps in France – from where these migrants depart – are in the grip of COVID-19. They are no-go areas for Vichy French authorities.
Those who are met by the Border Force upon arrival are taken to quarantine facilities, but those - almost certainly a larger number - who arrive under cover of darkness or are otherwise undetected are not. These people could well be carrying the virus to crowded cities with dense populations. After all, it is rare that illegal migrants choose a secluded, sleepy village to make their new home.
Where do they go? Do they have jobs ready and waiting, or family and friends willing to take them in? If they have arrived for work, they will likely be working with other illegal immigrants, none of whom will be eager to present to a local GP if they have symptoms until things get really bad. Their work colleagues will become infected, and the virus will continue to spread unabated. Should they be hiding with loved ones, they are putting the very people they care about at risk, and of course, the wider communities in which they live.
This lax attitude towards our national borders, now more than ever, puts us at serious risk. Hospitals that we have been at great pains to alleviate of the anticipated burden will not cope with a second wave of infections. Will we ever discover the true toll of the Coronavirus, including those who have put off treatment or hesitated to have a test for cancer only to see their survival chances plummet?
What is the solution? As it happens, the answer is merely one of attitude. The government should immediately declare that anyone who enters the country illegally, thereby breaking the law, will be removed as soon as possible and denied the right to return or to apply for any form of immigration status.
There is a vast illicit communication network across Europe that involves human traffickers, smugglers, drivers, and even - shame on them - NGO workers offering advice to those about to undertake perilous journeys. Once this network comprehends that Britain will forever reject any person who breaks the law to enter the country, these dangerous crossings will cease.
How do we know this strategy will be effective? Just look at the drop in boats coming into Australia; their policy has proven that this attitude significantly reduces illegal crossings and saves lives.
The United Kingdom has a long history of accepting refugees. We have systems in place, support structures, both government- and community-lead, that give each person fleeing violence and persecution the best possible chance to begin a brand new life. How long can this benign system survive if we continue to admit those who do not follow the law? How many genuine refugees will be stopped from reaching their full potential due to limited funds and resources?
But back to the question of those arriving by boat illegally. They are first risking their lives by making a dangerous journey, then putting at risk our lives through spreading infection, and also their families, colleagues, and friends. Who benefits from this madness of porous borders other than those who view it as a religion?
A country without borders is not a real country. The failure to enforce border control brings no benefit to Britain while heaping potential harm upon the nation. It’s time to seek a sea-change in the government’s attitude.
Nay, to demand it!