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Extremism is arguably the biggest threat to modern day Britain and the online presence of groups such as ISIS and other anglophobic organisations make it much easier for the younger generation to become targets of these terrorist groups. In the year ending 31st March 2021, there were 4,915 referrals to Prevent according to, with people aged between 15-20 years old making up 29% of the above statistic. It is quite evident to say that the Covid-19 lockdowns played a big part into this, with youngsters trapped indoors with virtually no other option than to be online.
Large corporations such as Twitter and Facebook have done nothing to tackle online radicalisation, accounts spreading hate to the Western countries are freely allowed to publicise and indoctrinate whilst Donald Trump and Katie Hopkins are banned from these networks. It’s almost like social media are aiding and abetting the destruction of our great country. Police and Crime Commissioners across the nation also do next to nothing to combat online hate, with their constant investments into removing free speech from these platforms and wanting to hand criminal convictions to those who have an opinion that differs from the perceived ‘norm’ of society.
The most notable example of radicalisation is Shamima Begum. Her story shows us all that Islamic Extremism can dig its venomous teeth into anyone, even people thousands of miles away. Now, do I believe Shamima knew what she was doing and what she was getting herself into? Yes, I do. As soon as she stepped foot into Syria, she became an enemy of our country, and her excuses cannot excuse her values at the time of becoming an ISIS bride. Nobody forced her to leave home and become a terrorist. That decision lies with her, and her alone. The government’s decision to revoke her citizenship is a necessary one to keep our nation secure.
It’s a fact that Jack Merritt and Saskia Jones would still be alive if we policed the internet correctly. The 22 at Manchester Arena would still be here if online surveillance of suspected terrorists were taken more seriously. Lee Rigby would still be with us if police budgets were used to combat online hate preaching instead of used to fund LGBTQ+ police uniforms and pursue so-called ‘hate crimes.’
It is our duty as a country to protect our children, and that includes from the clutches of terrorism. In the past 20 years, north of 100 people have been killed in Islamic terror attacks, with over 3 times that amount being injured.
The United Kingdom Party is the only party that vows to invest more into online policing against radicalisation and extreme political grooming. The future of this country needs protection and security, and the events of the past twenty years show that Labour and the Conservatives show no care nor remorse and have no backbone to fight against the ‘invisible threat’ lurking in our phones, laptops, tablets etc.
What we need to do is target the problem directly and cut the heads off the Hydra. This means more online surveillance, more raids by the National Crime Agency (NCA)and most definitely more deportations.
UKIP is the only viable option to Save Britain before it’s too late.
Jack Thomson
UK Independence Party Spokesman for Young People