It is blindingly obvious that our Government has totally given up trying to stop mass immigration. Time and again the Conservatives pledge to control our borders, but then let the people down at every turn. How much longer until the public’s patience snaps?
Uncontrolled mass-immigration has had a devastating impact on Britain. We are adding a city the size of Swansea to our population every year and the country is struggling to keep up. This causes sky-rocketing house prices, a shortage of school places, added pressure on our NHS and wage-depression for people on low incomes.
The immigration debate is about space, not race.
Despite the Tories’ posturing over their points-based immigration system, just a scratch beneath the surface reveals that this is just spin. Far from reducing immigration, it will increase it considerably.
Migration Watch revealed that the introduction of the points-based system was quietly accompanied by an extraordinary number of concessions. The Government will set no cap on the number of foreign workers that employers can bring into the UK and will cut the minimum salary and skill level needed to work here. They have also scrapped the requirement to advertise jobs in Britain first.
This is good news for Big Business who can continue to hire cheap, foreign labour. But it’s a disaster for the working man and woman whose wages will remain stagnant as a direct result of unprecedented competition from low-wage migrant workers.
Brexit was the perfect opportunity for a Tory Government to show some spine on immigration. Electorally, this issue is an open goal for them. Public opinion in the UK has always favoured stricter border controls – especially as they’ve experienced first-hand the consequences of having an EU open border to nearly 450 million people.
It is unsurprising that, despite talking tough, this Government have refused to use the historic opportunity of Brexit to stem the tide. Instead, they have favoured their multinational friends over British workers and will do nothing to stop the uncontrollable flood of migration that has already caused staggering damage.
One of the first things that struck me about Boris’s Brexit deal is that it contained a firm commitment to the European Convention on Human Rights, giving the EU the right to impose sanctions on the UK if we strayed from it.
The ECHR’s one-size-fits-all approach was always doomed to fail. This has shattered the idea of a British Bill of Rights, previously supported by the Conservatives, which would have given us a document tailored to the needs of our nation.
This means that the Strasbourg court can continue to ride roughshod over British laws. It also means that foreign criminals and their lawyers will continue to exploit ECHR legal loopholes to avoid deportation.
Recently, a Home Office charter flight took off with only 13 criminals on board, out of an original 57. Amongst those escaping deportation because of the ECHR were rapists, murderers, class-A drug dealers, and attempted murderers. All will remain in the UK at the taxpayer’s expense.
The usual culprits in the Labour Party cheer them on. They habitually side with criminals rather than their victims.
2020 saw a dramatic increase in illegal English Channel crossings - a whopping 10,000 illegal migrants entered the UK by this route, up from just 1,800 in 2019 and 300 in 2018. The Home Office openly admits I has “no idea” how many people are in the UK illegally.
Our Government pretend to be powerless to stop this armada of boats. But they have tied their own hands by re-affirming their commitment to the ECHR.
This is not helped by the devolved governments in Wales and Scotland branding themselves ‘Nations of Sanctuary’ for illegal migrants. They let Westminster off the hook for their gross ineptitude on our borders, offering Wales and Scotland as an overflow site for thousands of people who should be sent back across the Channel.
In my own constituency, the Penally illegal migrant camp, currently housing around 250 people in a coastal village of only 850, is a perfect example of Westminster calling the Welsh Government’s bluff on their virtue-signalling Nation of Sanctuary. It will damage tourism in the area and has caused some house prices reportedly to drop by £100,000.
The Conservatives, Plaid, and Lib Dems all back Labour’s policy. If it wasn’t for UKIP persistently raising this issue in the Welsh Parliament, the Establishment parties would happily sweep it under the rug.