For Eastbourne

We Have a broken country and broken society and because I care I decided to stand in this election for the UK Independence Party.

I first became active in politics in 2014 when I realised that our democracy was being eroded by the EU. Too many laws, rules and regulations were being made by unelected (by the British people) and joined UKIP.

In 2016 I led the referendum campaign in Eastbourne where we won by over 4% majority to Leave. On many occasions I was called a racist although at that time I was a senior manager in a large Car Dealership and employed people of many race, religions and colour. I have never had a problem with people who come to this country, work, pay their taxes, accept our constitution, laws and way of life. Unfortunately over recent years with uncontrolled immigration the British are fast becoming a minority.

I have now retired and can devote more of my time to campaign for what I and many British people believe. We all want change and can only achieve this by not voting for the Lib Lab Con on 4th July

My concerns are immigration, housing, environment, policing, NHS, taxation, pensioners and the relentless war on motorists.

The party I represent listen to what the public want and expect by being in government. We have a broken society and enough is enough. We need to make aware that those who are elected understand why they were elected and what we as a community expect in return.

By voting for me, Ian Garbutt, in this election you are telling all the main parties it’s time to wish them goodbye. So don’t waste your vote, don’t stay at home and think no one cares. I care and with your support we can upset this election together.

Thank you.

Ian Garbutt

Eastbourne resident for 36 years

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