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We are now suffering massive inflation and eye watering gas and electricity prices with huge numbers of people now struggling to pay for heating and cooking. Many are going into debt and it is unlikely this is going to improve while the UK does not allow licences to mine for coal, frack for gas and drill for oil. Energy prices are not coming back down anytime soon and fewer people will be travelling overseas.
Food prices are still spiralling upwards as processing costs continue to filter through. Mortgages are also rising and many are now struggling to pay the premiums because they thought interest rates would always stay low. The money is haemorrhaging away from the family income.
In fact, the UK is grinding to a halt. I doubt Rishi Sunak can win the next election next year. His replacement with Labour or a rainbow coalition will just increase our race towards the precipice. You cannot tax a country into prosperity. Nothing now works except the General Register Office for Birth, Death, and marriage they can still send out a certificate in 5 days. Can’t think of anything else that works.
Beverley Turner on GB News the other day had a chairman of a teaching mental support group putting the case for a teacher’s pay rise. Actually, the problem with the teaching profession is that it is totally micromanaged, and everyone has to conform to the National Curriculum. Teachers have to keep filling out a whole load of forms, so everything is monitored. They have to struggle with unruly children and children from homes that cannot feed them or clothe them properly before sending them to school.
During the term times the teachers have to work well into every evening to do the admin and marking of homework and preparation for the next day. Every year the Department of Education changes the curriculum so that the teachers have to rework all their previous class notes during the 'so called' summer holiday. The Department of Education runs the Continuing Professional Development programme forcing successful teachers to go on unnecessary courses that only cause them to question their teaching ability. It is brutal and no amount of money is going to solve it. The average working life of modern teachers is 3 years before they leave and get a job with less stress and more job satisfaction.
The real problems are not registering with this government.
Let’s look at the NHS, nearly all of us realise that a crisis point has been reached. The patient-to-staff ratios considered adequate in the past no longer work well. Even during non-peak times there are more patients than nurses can safely care for. The expectation seems to be that nurses will do double shifts when needed, adding exhaustion to the physical and mental challenges of the job. The NHS is in crisis, not just from a lack of adequate funding but because of the inefficient use of funds and ever-increasing demand from an aging population and foreign nationals. The NHS is a national health service not an international health service. It is open to widespread abuse by non-UK citizens. Open borders have had a major impact on existing NHS resources however, this just doesn’t seem to register with this government.
Estimates by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) indicates that household bills now exceed income in 60% of UK homes. And there we have it! This government is not doing its job, we see a complete failure to manage the economy and safeguard UK citizens. Sadly, the powers that be, show more concern for the welfare of illegal immigrants and we the taxpayers are footing the bill for this folly.
Lack of talent? Complete disregard for the general public? Or are they more concerned with showing off on the World stage pretending to have the answers to every problem in every other country while many of their own citizens freeze, go hungry, cannot access health and dental care, struggle to keep a roof over their head and some parents left in despair as their children cannot access appropriate education? There are many more problems too numerous to mention. A complete shambles all round!
If you believe charity begins at home, you should be voting for the UK Independence Party candidate at election time.
Patricia Mountain
Party Director
UK Independence Party